The Death of the Speaker

Breaking News from

News is breaking across the globe that consumers in the UK are dumping their Speakers in an unlikely assortment of places.

Buy why would the normally rational and fairly sane British public be resorting to these measures? has gone underground and has found the answer.

Click here to learn more

And then let us know that you are abreast of the trends by answering the questions below and you could win tickets to one the hottest concerts this side of Christmas.  Watch this space for more hints…

And this all means that it is time to get on trend and put your old speakers out to hang (recycle please!)

Competition Closing date: 10 December 2010

How big are the SonicMaster speakers?
 20mm speakers 24mm speakers 32mm speakers

And what size are the speaker chambers?
 32cc chambers 56cc chambers 108cc chambers

What is Adaptive Dynamic Refinement?
 a tool that teaches you how to become refined a tool that preloads and pre-adjusts sound patterns a psychological term for over adapted behaviour

Would you like to hear about future competitions, promotions and product news from Asus and Yes, please

▲ And remember if you say yes, you will be the first to know about more hot concert tickets courtesy of the N-Series, where sound comes alive....

And for your chance to win tickets (3 pairs up for grabs) to one of the hottest concerts this side of Christmas just put in your details, share the video on facebook and press Submit

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