Protect the planet — and yourself — with ASUS Protect 3.0 motherboards

James Kidder
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It’s not easy to make motherboards exciting but with its new Protect 3.0 technology, ASUS has achieved just that. Protect 3.0 is an ASUS initiative to protect the Earth, protect PCs and protect the most important thing of all – you, the user.

At the heart of all Protect 3.0 motherboards is an ASUS Energy Processing Unit, or EPU. This monitors power use in real time, automatically saving energy when demand for the computer’s resources is low. As this accounts for around 75% of daily PC the power reductions can be considerable – up to 33KW of electricity saved for every PC built around an ASUS Protect 3.0 motherboard.

Looked at another way, if 10 million computers used an EPU-enabled Protect 3.0 motherboard then it’s calculated that 207,430 tons of CO2 emissions would be eliminated. That’s equivalent to the entire annual carbon emissions from Australia.

However, energy saving is just one aspect of the innovative Protect 3.0 technology. Real-time surge protection means that ASUS Protect 3.0 motherboards shield sensitive (not to mention valuable) PC components from electrical spikes in a way that no other motherboard can.

As well, ASUS has produced a low-radiation design for Protect 3.0 motherboards. The effective radiation reduction compared to other motherboard brands is up to 50%.

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