ASUS win accolades in red dot design awards

Mrs Mario
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asus g74Have you ever heard of red dot? Well it stands for the best in design and business. They run an international design competition – the red dot design award – that recognises business activities through design.

Achieving a red dot design award is an accolade well worth raving about and ASUS has just been given two. Both the Republic of Gamers Rampage (RoG) III Black Edition motherboard and the G74 laptop  have been given this coveted award this year.

The RoG Rampage III Black Edition is more than just a slightly sexier and more brooding version of the X58 Rampage board. No, this gorgeous, dark and, let’s face it, muscular motherboard has been created for gamers by people who see inside the souls of gamers.

It is an overclocking, time eating, game playing beauty and red dot agree as it has been recognised in the 2011 awards.

The stunning ASUS G74 laptop is one of the nicest gaming laptops I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing with. I was lucky enough to get a G74 over Christmas and got to spend several happy hours playing games until past midnight on a machine that coped beautifully.

rampageIIII had to pry the G74 from my partner’s hands and I think he might have actually been crying when ASUS collected it and took it to a new home. Not only does this laptop work a charm, it looks beautiful. It is enough to melt the heart of any gaming fanatic.

So yes, red dot slapped a red dot award onto the G74 and I have to say that I can’t help but agree.

I already mentioned that I was going to chat about form versus function, a post that will be going up next week, and this is a great way to introduce the topic. How better to acknowledge that function doesn’t mean you have to compromise on design.

The days of stodgy pudding tech blobs that spit out power but look vile are fading, it is the time of the slender and beautiful but still powerful and reliable. And it looks like ASUS may well be one of the leaders when it comes to this level of innovation and passion for design.

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