Family Tech

How to set up Windows Live Family Safety Read »

Posted July 14th, 2011 in .Family Tech .How To Guides

A swift tutorial to help you set up Windows Live Family Safety


Online awareness for kids aged five to seven Read »

Posted July 7th, 2011 in .Family Tech

Top tips to teach online safety to young children


Teach your preschooler about online safety Read »

Posted July 6th, 2011 in .Family Tech .Laptops & Netbooks .Products

Use parental controls to manage your child’s online safety


New study reveals that kids need more exercise Read »

Posted July 4th, 2011 in .Family Tech .News & Events

According to a recent survey, kids are just not getting enough physical exercise.


10 Tips to find the right social networking sites for your children Read »

Posted July 4th, 2011 in .Family Tech

Ten tips to find the right social networking sites for your children

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Do violent videogames damage children? Read »

Posted July 1st, 2011 in .Family Tech .News & Events

The Supreme Court has ruled against the law that would ban violent videogames


Cost effective educational tools for kids Read »

Posted July 1st, 2011 in .Family Tech

Technology is a force for good in a child’s life when managed properly

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Are computers good for kids? Read »

Posted June 30th, 2011 in .Family Tech .Pads & Slates .Products

Are computers good for kids?

1 Comment

Bring education to life on your Eee Pad Transformer Read »

Posted June 29th, 2011 in .Family Tech .Pads & Slates .Products

Use your Eee Pad Transformer to inspire and educate

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More excellent Android apps for kids Read »

Posted June 28th, 2011 in .Family Tech .Pads & Slates .Products

More excellent apps for kids

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Lock Android Marketplace Read »

Fix a naughty hole in Android Marketplace’s security

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Keeping track of your life, the easy way Read »

Google Calendar and the Eee Pad Transformer are superb tools for managing your life