Working with images on the ASUS O!Play BDS-700

December 16th, 2011 in .Home Entertainment & HTPC
Mrs Mario
Clip to Evernote

Are you a Star Wars fan? I am. Not so much the later movies, but definitely the first three. Now, what was one of the trademark scene changers? A wipe. Yes. There you are staring at Princess Leigh in, what can only be, the world’s most uncomfortable bikini, and a wipe later you’re watching a strange creature eat another strange creature on Tatooine.

If you are on my wavelength here, then you can almost imagine the childish glee with which I created photo slideshows on the ASUS O!Play BDS-700. Yes. You can create slide effects for your photographs that are reminiscent of classic science fiction films. No, jumping on the couch with a roll of wrapping paper and pretending you are a Jedi is not ok.

Right. So to get your photographs up onto the O!Play BDS-700 you have several options. The first is to stream them from your PC which has the images uploaded onto it, like mine. Just follow my guide on how to network your BDS-700 and you’ll soon be ambling through your image library on the O!Play.

The next thing you need to do is navigate to Photographs>>DLNA>>Folders. The folders here are laid out quite cleverly actually. Select Pictures and then scroll through your various folders according to year, date, albums, All Pictures, Keywords, Folders – you get the general idea. Navigation is simple. Use the arrow keys in the centre of the remote control to move around the various files and find the folders you need.

I had a folder already labelled Christmas Shots so that, obviously, went up first. I’m afraid there is some delay and stuttering here. This, I have discovered, is due to the fact that the PC I am using to stream is running out of memory and it appears to be the weak link in the chain.

Once you’ve selected your folder and images, just move to the image and press OK. It will now appear on the screen. By navigating with the arrow keys along the bottom of the screen you can rotate the image and set up the effects. This is pretty easy to do.  Spend some time organising your settings and then let the ASUS O!Play BDS-700 do its thing. I set mine up for our Christmas party and the guests loved it!

In my next article I’ll take you through setting Flickr up and how easily it worked.

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