Gorilla Glass and kids – a match made in heaven?

Mrs Mario
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Corning gorilla glass
Corning Gorilla Glass

If you’ve read any of the Eee Pad Transformer descriptions you’ll have seen the term Corning Gorilla Glass bandied about quite a bit. This tough and rough substance has been around for a while now but there are many people (aka non geeks) who aren’t really sure what the significance of it is.

The thing with Gorilla Glass, you see, is that it is really, really hard to break or scratch or destroy. One of Gizmodo’s writers when hands-on with Gorilla Glass and he walked away impressed. This substance has been designed to be solid and durable enough to cope with all sorts of conditions.

And one condition that all parents need to watch out for is…the kids. The moment my Eee Pad Transformer arrived in the house my offspring descended upon it with an air of propriety. Two minutes later she had accessed programmes I didn’t know existed and was enjoying the pad with all the enthusiasm a five year old can muster.

Yes, she is only five.

So what does a child and Gorilla Glass have in common, I hear you ask? Well, the fact that Gorilla Glass is pretty much unbreakable means that when (not if, when) your pad falls to the floor of your lounge (we hope it is carpeted), your entire pad won’t smash to smithereens.

Eee pad transformerMine has been dropped. It has also been approached with sticky chocolate hands (not mine, this time) before I had the chance to stop them. In the first instance the Eee Pad Transformer landed on the carpet with a gentle “Thunk”. Not a tinkle or a crash.

The second half, the hands of chocolate doom, was fine thanks to the fact that the glass is very easy to clean. It doesn’t seem to hold onto finger oils and grease as avidly as other types of screen and you aren’t losing sensitivity either. It works really well and that makes it just perfect for tablets and for the children that end up using them

So, your Eee Pad Transformer is protected with Corning Gorilla Glass making it tough and resistant to scratches and bumps. An ideal addition to any home that has gadget loving parents and gadget loving kids. It’s strength and durability mean fewer hairy situations (think a slow motion shot of you screaming, “Noooo…”) but with less actual body hair.

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  • http://twitter.com/cloudsmesh Vishal

    Gorilla glass is really great for the protection from scratches as compare to ordinary glass.
    Since its extra tough so its provide extra safety.Its nice that its comes with Transformer.

    But i have a question.Is transformer also comes with something for finger print protection?
    I hate the finger prints and oil mark on display. 

  • http://twitter.com/Bookhammer Justin B

    Um yeah I am very very careful with my transformer and never dropped it yet I have a centimeter sized scratch on the center of the screen. So much for it being hard to scratch.

  • Anonymous

    I think that’s somewhat unavoidable since it’s a finger driven device. Unless you use gloves.

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000880431284 Ionut Dobrin

    ohh…these kids…no respect for technology

  • elan advertising

    Not really. A non-glossy, matt-finished glass touch-surface will not only resist fingerprints much better, it will also help avoid annoying reflections when used in sunlight or in areas with a multitude of artificial lights. Apart from which, it will look a lot classier.

    Actually, all tablets should have it, and soon will, once manufacturers get over the misconception that a glossy finish will help the product “sell better”.

    Won’t it be emabrassing if Apple is the first to do it…yet again!

    (However, the finish on Amazon Kindle screen is the type I’m talking about, although it’s an e-book reader and not a tablet, the tab manufacturers could take a leaf out of its book.)

    In the meantime, matt-finish screen protetcors designed for the iPad should work for most 10″ tablets.

  • Mrs Mario

    That’s a really interesting comment, you know. It would be very interesting to hear why it is that manufacturers don’t use the non-glossy glass. There could be a reason for this other than looks. Thanks for the heads up, I’m going to look into it.

  • Mrs Mario

    Sticky fingers and cool games on the Transformer = thank goodness for Gorilla glass!

  • Mrs Mario

    Genius idea. Now my Transformer shall remain unsullied by human touch. Grin.

  • Mrs Mario

    Well, it depends on how it was scratched really. What happened?

  • Mrs Mario

    Your best bet is to use a soft cloth, like the ones you get with glasses, to wipe the screen clean.

  • http://twitter.com/cloudsmesh Vishal

    Yeah, its nearly possible with matte display instead with glossy display.But sadly its not available in tablets.
    The upcoming ASUS Eee PC 1025 and 1025CE haves an option of glossy and matte display.So we will see in these Eees,how much it would be impressive.

  • Mrs Mario

    It is going to be really exciting to see how these pan out.