Cool! A Transformer is coming to our house?

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Cool! A Transformer is coming to our house?

By Alessio –

You can imagine the excitement when I said to my three boys that a Transformer would arrive to our house in a week! The ASUS Transformer, which such a cool name, became immediately the most awesome thing they could imagine (even before having seen it).

I have to say that, as well as being a very engaging tool for them, it was also a life saver in the airport and on the plane on our way to and back from Italy during the Easter holidays. In fact, the boys had their first chance to use this amazing tablet in these environments, and that kept them happy, engaged and, most importantly, quiet… well, relatively.

You can see their first experience at using the Transformer in the video below. They loved it from the start, and, although slightly disappointed to discover that it couldn’t actually transform into a 6 m tall robot, they fought and argued quite animatedly over who would use it first!

There are some really interesting things to notice in this video. In the first part you see Luca (2) who is playing his favourite game, “Pieces” as he calls it. At first he tries to pick up the pieces of the puzzle with two fingers as if they were real bits of a jigsaw puzzle, but he quickly realizes that you need a single touch to move these (quite a change, uh!). The second user in this video is Matteo (6) who seems to find his way around applications immediately and being able to select the ones he likes, check them out and move on. In the glowing Typhoon game he doesn’t immediately understand what he needs to do and loses a point, but the second score is his. The last boy is Stefano (4) and he’s having a go at some pre-school writing and letter recognition.

All the apps you have seen in the video are free and everyday I find more and better ones. There are some apps to purchase for a price, but there are thousands free that are really useful and well designed. One thing I haven’t worked out yet is how to distinguish those designed to work on a smart phone (like the one on the video to trace the numbers) and those that are suitable to run on my tablet!

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  • Desk Monkey

    Thank you for this video. It is a clear demonstration of how versatile this piece of kit is, and how much not only myself and my partner would get out of one, but also my Toddler.

  • Tim Fulford

    Great piece of kit which like the ipad children love to use without being taught! Our reception age child uses it all the time.

  • Michael M. Flood

    Alessio — Thanks for this article! Please continue to update us on your findings. I am heavily in the midst of evaluating the best Android based tablets for K-12 education environments (both formal and informal). Especially with regard to connectivity as well. The ASUS Transformer is one of the most interesting devices I have seen online but I have not (yet) played with one myself. Thanks especially for the video!

  • Alessio Bernardelli

    Hi Michael! I hope you win one then ;-)
    I find it a very versatile piece of kit! If iMindMap made a version of their great software for Android, I would never stop using this Tablet :-)

  • Ceri Williams

    Looks a great bit of kit Alessio, so useful, I asked the county for a tablet but they got me an Elitebook instead which has a very cool stylus for handwriting notes but not the touchscreen capability I really wanted. To utilise the fantastic range of games and apps that these devices support, the touchscreen makes a tablet a real multisensory device, the standard methodology for pupils with dyslexia and related learning differences and I want one!


    Amazing if the kids in this review pick up the use of this Asus Transformer in the twinkle of an eye theres hope for us golden oldies too!

    This review was great thanks to Alessio, Matteo & Luca