Family Technology

Make learning FUN for your Key Stage 2 kids Read »

Posted August 29th, 2011 in .Family Tech

Four excellent ways you can work with your children to help boost their Key Stage 2 learning in ICT


The key stage 2 ICT curriculum Read »

Posted August 26th, 2011 in .Family Tech

Get the lowdown on what the ICT curriculum will ask of your child and work with them to get great results


The Eee Pad Slider – a parent’s best friend? Read »

Posted August 25th, 2011 in .Family Tech .Pads & Slates .Products

The next ASUS tablet may well be a brilliant addition to the modern family


Android apps to help you manage your money Read »

Posted August 24th, 2011 in .Family Tech .Pads & Slates

Five apps that have been designed to help you save and manage your money

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Don’t spend all your time online… Read »

Posted August 23rd, 2011 in .Family Tech

Sometimes tuning off from technology is the best way to reconnect with your family


Technology lets dad get pregnant Read »

Posted August 19th, 2011 in .Family Tech .News & Events

Can Dad get pregnant? Apparently technology thinks he can give it a try.


Five ways to develop computing skills for Key Stage One Read »

Posted August 18th, 2011 in .Family Tech

Clever ways to help your child into the National Curriculum at Key Stage 1

1 Comment

How to encourage your child’s learning with technology Read »

Posted August 17th, 2011 in .Family Tech

Parent support and active engagement can help your child’s progress with technology


Children predict the future of technology Read »

Posted August 16th, 2011 in .Family Tech .News & Events

Children set to predict the future…

1 Comment

Five ways to save YOUR sanity this summer Read »

Posted August 12th, 2011 in .Family Tech

Five ways your PC can save your sanity this summer. Fact.


Five PC games for preschoolers Read »

Posted August 10th, 2011 in .Family Tech

Five PC games designed for younger kids that will teach, help and inspire


Five of the best website resources for preschoolers Read »

Posted August 8th, 2011 in .Family Tech

Five websites packed with resources to help your teach your preschooler computer control and other essential skills