Eee Pad Transformer review roundup

May 20th, 2011 in .Pads & Slates .Products
Mrs Mario
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transformer lifestyleThe Eee Pad Transformer has been around for a while now and so many hands have had a chance to play around with it and see what it has to offer. Some of these hands belong to the experts and the pros who know exactly what a device needs in order to be successful, and what features are worth having. I have been pootling along the headlines and snatching up some of the most interesting reviews for your enjoyment…

The first of these is by Richard Taylor from BBC Click who offers up a very comprehensive review on video. It is well worth watching actually as he points out most of the features, covers the salient points on connectivity and you can actually see what he’s talking about. Take a cup of coffee and relax for that one…

The next review that caught my eye was on Electric Pig. Ben Sillis took the Eee Pad Transformer to the test and came up with some really complimentary remarks. If you are looking for a short but thorough review, then this is well worth taking a look at.

Endgadget have done the most in-depth review I have seen so far. Long, very long, and supremely detailed, this eee pad transformerreview covers absolutely everything you need to know about the performance, features, and abilities of the Eee Pad Transformer. Prepare to be entertained and informed, also maybe pour yourself another cup of coffee – it’s thirsty work.

Expert Reviews gave ASUS’ pad five stars and said it was “currently the best Android 3.0 tablet there is…”. PC Pro weren’t far behind with a whopping overall rating of five stars out of six and giving it high marks for value for money and performance too.

Pocket-lint gave the Eee Pad Transformer their Hot Product award and went into a lot of detail with their review. Actually, I am beyond impressed with how much effort some of these reviewers have gone to, ensuring that every angle is effectively covered. gave the Eee Pad Transformer five stars saying that, “Android needs a hero tablet, and it needs one now. After a few false starts, in the netbook/tablet hybrid ASUS Eee Pad Transformer, it’s finally found one.”

Chris Davis from Slashgear provided both a hands-on video and a great in-depth article about the Eee Pad Transformer, saying that he was “feeling a whole lot more confident about leaving our laptop at home”.

Finally the T3 review put this pad as the best Honeycomb tablet to date and the Inquirer pops up an ace video demoing the Eee Pad Transformer and call it “one of the most exciting tablets to come out this year…”.

Overall it looks like ASUS have hit the nail on the pad head with the Eee Pad Transformer with design, performance, features and price-point all getting thumbs up from experts across the UK.

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  • Tara Howard

    Read all these reviews, can’t wait to get my hands on one.

  • Spizmo

    Thanks for the links! Look forward to reading them.