Pictures from Milan Design Week

April 14th, 2011 in .News & Events
Matt Black
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Can’t get to Milan Design Week? Then we’ll bring it to you! The event has been on all week and if you’ve only just dropped by and want to catch up we’ve already covered the run up with video, Q&A, a Design Center chat and an in depth detail of the exhibition.

Now, though, we’ve actually got (more) pictures from the exhibition in progress! Check these out and let us know what you think in the comments below!

Exhibition Partners:


Poliform was established in 1970, evolving from a craft small business founded in 1942.
From the beginning the company expressed a strong industrial design concept, with the intention to take advantage of a highly engineered production, with a constant attention towards global market’s trends and demands. Over the years, Poliform has retained a distinctive look, closely linked to fashion, addressing both to national and international audience, capable to anticipate and express new trends in the interior design at is best. Many prestigious designers and internationally renowned architects cooperated over the years, being one of the key elements of Poliform’s growth and success.


Artemide Group is a world leader in the high-end residential and professional lighting sector.

Founded in 1960 by Ernesto Gismondi, President and CEO, the Artemide Group is based in Pregnana Milanese and operates through 24 controlled and related companies and a distribution network that includes almost 60 single-brand showrooms in major cities all around the world. Known for its philosophy “The Human Light”, that places man and the pursuit of his well-being at the core of the conception and design of its products, Artemide has always been a synonym for Design, Innovation and Made in Italy.

il Mosnel, Franciaorta

Tradition and innovation. This is the twin soul of il Mosnel winery.

Its most classic spirit is expressed through the art of producing the renowned sparkling wines that see their birth in its 16th-century cellar, through its uncompromising respect for the environment, and through a winemaking heritage that is renewed with every successive generation. Along with these traditional values, however, the historic Franciacorta il Mosnel displays a soul that is thoroughly avant-garde, sensitive to technological innovation and exhibiting a pronounced passion for fine design. That passion gives rise to the “Questione di Etichetta” award, a competition that attracts the most prestigious figures in the world of industrial design, who strive to create utterly unique “packaging d’auteur.”

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