Modern Gaming

April 19th, 2010 in .Blogs
Suds McSoapdish
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If you haven’t heard yet, we’re quite enthusiastic about the state of laptop gaming these days. Where once the portables were second class entertainment machines at best, many of them have graduated to full on action status, as is the case with the Republic of Gamers G73.

We’ve been testing this machine extensively over the last couple of weeks, and by testing we mean gaming. Like there’s no tomorrow. A previous video showed some of the glorious moments we had with the G73 on Activision and Infinity Ward’s Modern Warfare 2 epic actioner, and here’s more, depicting the capabilities of this laptop in a little more detail.

Nothing held back:

Even a cursory comparison between this and the same game running on almost any desktop gaming PC reveals that there’s nothing to tell them apart. The G73 is one of the new generation of laptops that comes out of the box with much more than just sufficient hardware, so it can run games true to form, in a manner not so long ago the reserve of intricate and downright cumbersome, harder to optimize desktops.

We’re pleased with the way this is going, as at this rate laptops will soon become standard gaming rigs for most PC users. The G73′s generous hardware already makes it above and beyond the call of duty for every game on the market. But just to recap, here’s what we think makes it such a capable gaming platform:

- Fast CPU, in this case an Intel i7 quad core

- Ample RAM, with our G73 fielding 8GB of DDR3. RAM is key as the most conspicuous bottle neck in the majority of sytems

- Strong GPU, going against the tradition of laptops to rely on integrated, generic graphics, G73 has the mobility version of the Radeon HD5870, with its own 1GB of GDDR5 RAM

There you have it, now excuse us while we go back to the campaign at hand.

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