It can be the simple act of turning off the lights, or by using environmentally-friendly products that are energy efficient or are made of non-toxic materials. Just like a single vote, they all matter.
The cynics might say that it is just another platform for environmentalists to push forth their agendas, but despite some detractors, we are not alone; as I’ve pointed out in a previous post.
Corporations like ASUS are also striving to reduce the environmental impact of its products and technologies through its Green initiatives. These little measures directly empower us with the tools to do our bit for the environment.
ASUS delivers products that consistently meet the Electronics Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) standards. These energy-efficient also pass Energy Star standards and are made out of recycled plastics.
That’s half the battle won. Everyday, our computers sit at idle, wasting precious energy as most of our daily computing do not push the boundaries of our systems. So instead of using your gaming rig to work on spreadsheets, get yourself something that uses a little less juice for the task.
But if you must use that souped-up super computer, perhaps its time to change your own computing habits.
These little actions might not make an immediate impact; but collectively, we will make a difference.