Confessions of a social media addict

September 4th, 2011 in .News & Events
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Hi, my name is Hector. And I’m a social media addict.

I came across some study the other day and it said that almost half of the people out there check or update Facebook or Twitter after they go to bed. I don’t know how accurate or credible it is, but it’s on the Interwebs so it has to be true. Right?

Check Twitter or Facebook when I wake up in the middle of the night? Guilty as charged. First thing in the morning? Guilty as charged.

Admittedly, I check Twitter every half hour or so and it’s really a case of information overload. The same goes for Facebook, which I guess for most of us, satisfies our innermost voyeuristic appetites.

A recent trip to Vietnam revealed what a social media whore most of us have become. It seems the smartphone and/or tablet PC is now standard issue alongside the battle-weary backpack and 1.5-litre bottled water. Guesthouses, cafes, and bars proudly display neon-lit “Free Wi-Fi” sign; and “Wi-Fi password?” has become a common question directed at inn- and bar-keepers alike. Step into an internet cafe and chances are it’s Mark Zuckerberg’s pride and joy dominating the rows of computer displays.

Do we really need to stay connected 24/7? Has our generation simply been pre-programmed by technology to constantly check status updates? It’s sad to think that this has become the societal norm.

In my defense, I play the “social media is a news source” card. God forbid I miss out on the latest developments out of Libya or, on a less serious extent, the match report of Manchester United’s 8-2 drubbing of Arsenal. And if the jury doesn’t buy that, I’ll take social media equivalent of the “insanity” plea – I blame my smartphone.

In case I didn’t mention it the first time round…Hi, my name is Hector, and I’m a social media addict, but I’m working on it.

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    • Vishal

      Hi Hector
      In my case its not essential to connect 24/7 and instead social networking like chatting or messaging,I also prefer news feeds.