Parental controls – essential online safety in Google Chrome

July 22nd, 2011 in .Family Tech
Mrs Mario
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Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers around at the moment. It’s free, it’s fast and it has some pretty darn good features that make it a dream to use, especially when you’re in a hurry. However, it doesn’t come with a lot of customisation and no parental controls, so you need to find a way of protecting your kids when they are unleashed online.

parental controls google chrome

You won’t be able to set up controls on Google Chrome but there are other ways of ensuring that your children are protected. Whether it is from their accidentally accessing dodgy sites, or downloading dodgy viruses, there are some clever ways of keeping them (and your computer) safe.

The first option is to set the controls on Google. There is a SafeSearch function that can be pre-programmed to filter out certain sites and types of content and to only reveal the kind of information that you are comfortable with your child seeing. It isn’t omnipotent, though, and bad content can still slip through. Take some time to read Google’s Family Safety centre information too, they offer excellent advice from experts and parents.

So your next step is to ensure that you have a reliable and well respected anti-virus protection system installed on your computer. Whether you received it as a part of the original package when you bought the computer, or it is something you’ve installed yourself, make sure you have set it up correctly. If the firewall is working and the alarms are in place, this provides another buffer against the chance of a virus entering your system.

parental controls google chrome safe search

However, this doesn’t automatically prevent your child from finding websites and content that are entirely unsuitable for their young eyes and minds. If you are more technically minded then take a look at this article on How-To Geek. It will talk you through protecting your kids online using Open DNS. Sound scary? It isn’t, and the walkthrough on this site is very comprehensive.

Another piece of advice that was given to me many years ago was to keep your child in the room with you while they are browsing the internet. If they are playing or working at the dining room table, then their screen is visible to you or anyone else that walks past. Not only will it keep them from looking at inappropriate sites on purpose, but you will be able to cast an eye over the screen every now and again to make sure everything is alright.

If you are not using Google Chrome or would like to use a browser that has Parental Controls, check out the article on Parental Controls in Internet Explorer.

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