Handhelds & Smartphones

Read news and reviews of the most stylish and innovative new handheld and smartphone technology from ASUS.

The twouble with twitter Read »

Posted September 9th, 2010 in .Handhelds & Smartphones .Products

Garmin-ASUS A10 users will find some tasty online treats in here, and twitter addicts will find some of the latest news quite entertaining.


Ten tips to get more from your Garmin-ASUS phone Read »

Posted July 26th, 2010 in .Handhelds & Smartphones .Products

If you’ve been lucky enough to nab a Garmin-ASUS phone then these tips will help you get more from its rich systems and features.


How to find yourself Read »

Posted June 20th, 2010 in .Handhelds & Smartphones .Products

Don’t worry, we’re not venturing into self-help territory or selling holidays on the hippy trail. Although if you wanted to know the best direction to take on said trail, we might have some useful information for you. Especially when it comes to choosing a phone to take in your backpack. Back in April, Hector reported [...]


Get the ASUS Android app Read »

If you’ve bought an ASUS laptop in the last couple of years you might be familiar with a rather clever service that comes pre-installed called ASUS Web Storage. It’s a little online home of your own, with up to 20GB of space that shows up in Windows file manager as a hard drive, but is [...]


What is Android? Read »

Posted May 31st, 2010 in .Blogs .Handhelds & Smartphones

Note that I said “Android” not “an android” because I just know someone is looking at this and thinking that I must be pretty thick. Ok, you may have been thinking that already but let’s move on. Android, the killer OS from Google, the company with fingers in every single pie, is something of a [...]


Intel Moorestown – Smartphone ready Intel CPUs Read »

You may already think Atom is already ultra-portable suitable, but instead of netbooks we’re talking thinner; to the world of tablets (again), even smaller to Smartphones and also expanding the compact systems like in car computers and even possibly electrical goods or home-automation.


The smart money’s on the M10 Read »

Posted April 9th, 2010 in .Handhelds & Smartphones .News & Events

Since its launch in February, the Garmin-Asus M10 smartphone is slowly establishing itself as gadget to have…


ASUS unveils the DR-900 E-Reader Read »

Take a closer look at the ASUS DR-900 E-Reader with 9″ ePaper display.


Don’t get lost — get the Garmin ASUS nüvifone M10 Read »

Posted March 2nd, 2010 in .Handhelds & Smartphones .News & Events

Satellite navigation may be standard issue on most smartphones these days, but it’s the route-finding software that’s key to helping you find your way successfully.