Spotlight – Marcus Hultin

October 9th, 2009 in .Blogs
Gogo Ubari
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Take a peek into the inner workings of the ASUS Marketing Communications team with resident overclocker Marcus Hultin

Marcus Hultin has been a marketing & PR specialist at ASUS for 18 months

Q: How did you get started at ASUS?
I was doing some freelance writing for while I was studying at university. This led me into extreme PC overclocking. In 2006, ASUS Nordic invited Nordichardware to be the official media partner of the Dreamhack computer festival ( and, as part of this, help arrange the live overclocking demo in its booth. So I started working with ASUS Nordic as a consultant before joining the company full-time.

Q: What’s your current role with the company?
I’m the technical PR and marketing specialist in the Nordic region. This involves working with the press to get reviews,
working with power users and overclockers who use ASUS products, plus some marketing activities and media buying.

Q: If your department had a motto, what would it be?
We always want to challenge ourselves, and find new and original ways of working.

Q: Which other ASUS departments do you work with the most?
The department I work most closely with is the Nordic Component Sales Team, but I also deal directly with various product managers and R&D departments for motherboards and graphics cards at the ASUS Taiwan HQ.

Q: What’s the most satisfying part of your job?
I really value the fact that I get to spend each day working with one of my biggest hobbies — overclocking.

Q: What do you find is the most challenging part of your day-to-day job?
Finding time for everything that needs to be done.

Q: What’s the biggest change you’ve seen since you’ve been working at ASUS?
Seeing ASUS Nordic double the size of its workforce.

Q: What inspires you?
A challenge of any kind. The ongoing race for ever-higher 3DMark06 graphics benchmark scores is one of my biggest
drivers and one that helps motivate me when I’m spending long hours in the office.

Q: How do you unwind after a hard week at work?
Playing 18 holes at the golf course if the weather allows it, with a relaxing beer afterwards…

Q: Are you a gadget fan? What one gadget couldyou not live without?
If there is a gadget, I probably have it and I have to say the one I would miss most — however boring it might be — is my mobile phone.

Q: If you could invent any productand have it made by ASUS, whatwould it be?
A totally waterproof motherboard with processor socket insulation — that’s the dream of any extreme overclocker trying to keep temperatures under control with water-cooling.

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