All things bright and beautiful…

August 16th, 2010 in .Blogs
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I received my beautiful EeePC from Asus this week. It’s absolutely gorgeous- its 1005 series, colour ‘sea shell’.

I’m aware that I am using quite effeminate adjectives to describe my cute netbook, but really, something that sweet and compact has to be female! Surely? My husband on the other hand however, would probably use manly practical words like  ‘versatile’, ’functional’ and ‘extremely mobile’ to describe it, but for me, it’s cute and gorgeous.

One of the best bits of receiving it was being able to absorb its newness. The touch, feel and smell of new things have to be savoured (in my opinion!). The thing is, I have a slight obsession about preserving the newness of things I buy.  For example, if I buy clothes, I never hang them up straight away even though I risk multiple creases. I leave them in the bag for as long as possible. And as long as it is in the original bag or with the tags on, it is new, even though it may remain in there for years.  I feel a great pleasure in taking a peek in the bag now and then anticipating its first use.

However, it’s not just a ‘me’ thing. Maybe it’s an Indian thing. Am I being controversial? I think not, I have plenty of evidence from family. My husband refused to take the protective film off the digital display on the plasma telly for years until it peeled off by itself. Why? you may ask, well its obvious, to preserve the newness! Mum and mother-in-law have cupboards full of brand new unopened boxes of table wear because its just too nice to use.

However, I intend to use my lovely Asus to its fullest, because in fact quite ironically, it’s simply too nice not to!

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