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The Eee Pad Slider may have made its mark at the International Design Excellence Awards this year but is it worth getting if you’re a busy parent? Let’s take a look at some of the inherent features and see if we can find an answer…

asus eee pad slider

The ASUS Eee Pad Slider comes in either pearl white or metallic brown and features a slide-out keyboard alongside the lovely (and expected) pad itself. The advantage of this, of course, is that if little hands start poking around while you’re, say, making some tea, the chances of them spilling their juice on your keyboard are greatly reduced.

It also means that, by whipping out the keyboard, you are also limiting the contact of sticky fingers with the pristine Gorilla Glass screen. There are few things as tedious as having to constantly clean the screen, especially when you’re on the train and realise that you must get this work done, can’t see a darn thing through the marmalade splodges, and left your screen cloth at home.

So, already the hybrid genius of the Eee Pad Slider is coming in handy.

The Slider also possesses the nVidia Tegra 2 dual core processor so it is fast. It means that this is seriously good for getting work done at home or while community and it can be used for those inevitable car journeys where you have to entertain the kids for long periods of time. Why? Because it can play HD movies and music at the same time.

If you have ever been stuck in the car, in a major holiday induced traffic jam, with any kids under the age of 14, then you will know how helpful this is.

Of course, that does bring us to battery life. It’s all very well saying the device can play nicely with children, but will it last the trip? Unless you are driving from one side of the UK to the other, yes it will. There are six hours of running battery life on the Li-Ion 25WH battery. More than enough to squeeze in two movies, some music and a nap.

The Slider has plenty of other features that parents will just enjoy. From the ultra-wide 178 degree viewing angle of the screen, the 10-finger multi-touch support, the cameras, pre-installed word processing apps, cloud storage and functionality, to the multitude of connectivity options – the ASUS Eee Pad Slider is well equipped to handle almost anything the modern family can throw at it.

Except a brick. That may not work out.

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