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The recession is still stumbling along and recent announcements across the pond in the USA have left many of us wondering what on Earth is going to happen next. This is the perfect time to really get a grip on your finances and to make sure that every penny is spent wisely and properly accounted for.

This is particularly true for parents. Changes in the UK system and the rising cost of living mean that we have to be so careful with our money. There are college educations to save for and bills to pay and clothes to purchase. So, here are five apps that you can pop onto your Eee Pad Transformer that will help you to keep your money under control. And thanks to the latest Android update, they will now look good on your larger screen…

1. Money Manager

This app will cost you nothing to install and use and it is designed to help you keep track of your expenditure. Your money is separated into two simple areas – money in and money out – and the app even offers you graphs and diagrams to give you a more visual experience. Don’t be put off by the fact that the page is in German, just use Google Translate to get the full list of features and the app itself is in English.

2. anMOney Personal Finance

This app is quite costly at £6.25 but it is also very comprehensive and offers you some impressive features. You can monitor money in and out, build pie charts, set a budget, and even handle split transactions. It is easy to use, brightly coloured and comes with some good reviews.

3. Green Mileage

This free app will help you to work out your fuel costs more efficiently so that you can save money on astronomical gas bills. You need to record information such as the cost of a refill, when you did it and how much fuel you paid for and the app does the rest.

4.  CardStar

This has to be one of my all time favourite apps as it works brilliantly and saves a ton of money. Most parents have a pile of reward cards in their bags. Often these are left at home and are never used so you end up losing out on excellent deals and savings. With this app, free on the Android, you can digitally consolidate your reward cards so they are always there with you on your phone. Just don’t leave your phone at home…

5. VoucherCloud

Another slice of pure genius, VoucherCloud offers thousands of money-saving deals directly to your phone. It automatically locates the best deals and discounts local to you. That’s right. Fancy spending a rainy morning at the local soft play centre – VoucherCloud will check and see what offers are on in your area. You can shave pounds off your purchases and save a lot of money in the long term.

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