JR Ewing ditches the oil business

July 14th, 2010 in .Green Tech .Technology Features
Bobby O’Reilly
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Who did shoot JR anyway?

There’s a lovely story over at the New York Times today which ties in nicely with some of the posts I’ve been putting up on the Green Tech section of this website recently.

The latest role for the 78-year-old star of Dallas, the famous 80s soap opera set inside the oil business, is in a short advert for a SolarWorld, a German company that produces solar panels. Apparently Hagman’s own home generates a surplus of energy using the technology, and he’s quite evangelical about reducing energy use in the wake of the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Hagman helped to write the advert and also serves on the board of the Solar Electric Light Fund, a non-profit organisation which supplies recyclable energy systems to the developing world.

“I’m still in the energy business,” he says in the ad. “There’s always a better alternative.”

Indeed there is… like a bamboo laptop maybe?

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