The Eee Pad Transformer launch

Mrs Mario
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The results of the Eee Pad Transformer launch have been impressive with over 85 journalists across a broad spectrum of media attending the event. The journalists that attended have all taken a good look at what the Eee Pad Transformer can do and their various verdicts are in.

Chris Davies from Slashgear reported in to Android Community on the results of the launch saying that it was one of the best tablet displays he’s seen to to-date. You’ll also find information on the prices, and the release dates of the ASUS Eee Slate EP121…

Rosemary Hattersley of Computer World did a more feature-specific post on the technology behind the Eee Pad Transformer, while Stuart Dredge on CNet UK follows her lead with a brief look at the keyboard docking station and the tech that powers the device.

Electric Pig’s Ben Sillis was far more excited with the launch of the Eee Pad Transformer heralding the arrival of the first Android Honeycomb tablet in the UK. Expert Reviews found the build quality of the tablet superb and that the keyboard was light and crisp, as well as enjoying the vibrant colours of the screen. mused on the one year free cloud storage that comes with the Eee Pad Transformer, the extra battery in the keyboard dock as well as the tough Gorilla Glass. I love that name for the glass. ITPro found the Eee Pad Transformer to be one of the most promising alternatives to the iPad 2 that they have seen saying that they, “have high hopes for the Transformer.”

Pocket-Lint’s Paul Lamkin felt that the device has a good shot at making a good impression in the ever expanding tablet arena, especially with the docking and folding option. The Gadget Show repeated what many other experts have, saying that the Eee Pad Transformer “combines the best of both worlds” with regards to the keyboard docking option turning this sturdy tablet into a netbook at the click of some tech.

Overall, the Eee Pad Transformer has come out with very positive feedback across all the media who’ve had a chance to play around with it for a while. The keyboard dock is seen as a remarkably clever distinguishing factor that will place the Transformer in a unique niche, offering both tablet and laptop functionalities.

Below are some pics of the event as the journalists ambled about ASUS’ launch to get a feel for the Eee Pad Transformer.

transformer launch

transformer launch

transformer launch

transformer launch

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  • AFK Matrix

    Its just a shame that Asus seems to have utterly failed in releasing this tablet to the public!!! It was supposed to be out in shops yesturday but I went into Comet, PCworld and Currys and there was nothing!!! Thats where Apple does have things right in that it has the marketing for the Ipad sorted and you also know where you can go to get one!!! I want to try the Transformer out but can I find it anywhere in stores to try, nope!!! And they seem to be only releasing the 16gb version, wheres the 32gb version then?? I can’t find any information about when the 32gb version is being released!!! Come on ASUS get your act together asap!!!

  • Robin Jacobs

    While I was one of the first to jump on the netbook wagon (I bought my first eee-pc 701 in china even before they where available in europe) I never felt the advantages of a tablet out-weighted the disadvantages. The eee pad actually takes the best of both worlds and I will definitely replace my current netbook with one of these

  • Jason Bogle

    Asus is in a battle with Google right now. Asus wants to put their own launcher and stuff on the tablet so you have it at time of purchase, but Google has decided that nobody needs to change the launcher and skin of Honeycomb pre-sale.

    So, somebody has to give before it’s released. …. There’s no easy way for both to have their way, but I suppose Asus could leave the vanilla honeycomb as default and have a setting that would switch it to theirs.That is a potentially very difficult task.

  • Anonymous

    Asus has made a first-rate cockup in releasing this! It is nowehere to be seen in the UK – Curry’s will post one but that is simply a lunatic policy if you want to see it! Anway, Curry’s have now deleted the bundle with the dock as have Laskys. I cancelled my pre-order for the Xoom because I thought this was a better product. Even the pathetic Asus Laptop shop don’t know when they are getting stock!

    If you follow the discussion on the product over at Amazon UK, there are dozens of very fed-up ex customers – yes, they are cancelling their orders for the Transformer! This dumb policy from Asus is killing customer good-will and (I imagine) pi**ing off Amazon!

    Update: Asus website now has availability as the middle of May!!!!!
    Looks like they will get clobbered by Motorola.

  • Anonymous

    Well it is released – tha battle should have been waged long before the product was announced.