16% Mobile Phones Have Poop on Them

November 10th, 2011 in .News & Events
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For me, being sanitary usually means washing my hands with soap after going home. However, this new infographic created by KeepItKleen.com brings germ awareness to a whole other level. I kind of wish I never saw this to begin with…after all, ignorance is bliss. But then again, some people say knowledge is power.

The most noticeable and disgusting findings from below include:

- 16% of cell phones were found to have poop on them

- Keyboards are 5x dirtier than the toilet seat (150x over the acceptable limit for bacteria levels)

- TV remote is the single dirtiest item in a typical home (this is also true in hotel rooms)

You can view the full infographic below (click to enlarge).

What are your thoughts readers? Will you disinfect that nasty TV remote?

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  • http://twitter.com/cloudsmesh Vishal

    !!! I didn’t know a’bout clicker.

    You forget ’bout Mouse.But my K/M is well cleaned,