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Tomorrow, at 12pm Eastern – that is Wednesday 26 June 2013 at 12pm Eastern Standard Time – ASUS will be appearing on the extremely popular and brilliantly geeky Tom’s Hardware. Here you will be able to ask the questions of the ASUS humans that you’ve always dreamed of asking. What size shoe does the average ASUS tech designer have? Do they all eat flat food? Where is the cafeteria and can I borrow your staff pass?


You will have 24 hours in which to ask ASUS anything as part of this brand new series created by Tom’s Hardware. ASUS will be the first enormous, huge and cool company to take part in the series so it’s going to be really interesting to see how it all works out. And what kinds of questions will be asked, of course. I am very tempted to plot some truly wicked ones of my own…

The thread will be live for 24 hours and the questions will be supervised and moderated by the Community Manager from Tom’s Hardware, Joe Pishgar, and a team of senior moderators. You can almost see them, hands warmed up, keyboards at the ready, standing by for the mad and the interesting.

A bit of history – you can read this on the Tom’s Hardware announcement – is that the number of official representatives on their site has grown to over 75 so they have come up with this idea to allow for more opportunities for readers to interact with their favourite brands and to have pressing concerns addressed. It’s a great idea.

There are a couple of dots that need to go on i’s though. If you are not registered with Tom’s Hardware you will need to do that first, otherwise you won’t be able to submit your questions. You are also not allowed to ask tech support questions as those need more in-depth attention than this particular forum can offer.

The ASUS spokesperson will be Erik Joiner, the ASUS Marketing Manager and other assorted ASUS representatives. All will be speaking from verified accounts.

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