Spotlight – Nick Vora

November 3rd, 2009 in .Spotlight


If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to work in the Internal Systems Support team for a large company, Nick Vora explains all..

Nick Vora has worked in ASUS UK’s Internal Systems Support team for 10 months

Q: How did you get started at ASUS?
I wanted to work for a global technology company that’s at the forefront of innovation — and I wanted to play with the latest gadgets! I started at ASUS UK as a service specialist, then quickly joined the Internal Systems Support team.

Q: What’s your current role with the company?
I manage our repair partners and maintain ASUS’ high standards for after-sales service.

Q: If your department had a motto, what would it be?
Providing reliability and satisfaction the ASUS way.

Q: Which departments do you work with the most?
Internal Systems Support, who maintain the computers used by ASUS UK staff; and Sales to act as a technical liaison for our retail partners.

Q: What’s the most satisfying part of your job?
I like learning about new products and technologies, and knowing that I’ve made a difference when a customer calls about a repair.

Q: What’s the most challenging part of your job?
Finding the time to fit everything into each day!

Q: What accomplishment are you most proud of in your work so far?
Assisting with the restructuring of the ASUS UK service model, which resulted in an improvement in the turnaround time for repairs.

Q: What’s the biggest change you’ve seen while you’ve been working at ASUS?
Seeing ASUS move into the top five laptop vendors in the UK.

Q: How do you unwind after a hard week at work?
I like to spend time with friends and go out for a few drinks. I also enjoy climbing, though at the moment much of my time is spent planning my upcoming wedding.

Q: Where’s your favourite place to go to lunch or after work?
I try to do something different each day for lunch and I like to spend time with friends after work — the venue isn’t
that important.

Q: Are you a gadget fan? What one gadget can’t you live without?
I love gadgets, but I can’t choose just one — can’t I have all of them?

Q: If you could have ASUS make any product for you, what would it be?
A gadget that does everything, to save carrying several different ones! I’d really like a gadget that could listen to a conversation in a foreign language and translate it into your native language so that you could listen on headphones.

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