On the cutting edge…

September 27th, 2010 in .Blogs
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Blog 6

It appears that whilst I have been quiet on the blogging front of late, I have been very busy sparking a revolution. A netbook revolution at that, the Asus has been attracting attention – unwanted attention. Everyone from brothers, to sisters to cousins have been coveting my little cutie. This is a little message to ALL, hands off! This one’s mine and its staying by my side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to my brother, the Asus has marked my introduction to the technological world. I am now, technologically fashionable. This is because I have also acquired a smartphone, which I am just about learning to use. To be honest, I was confounded by my smartphone when I received it. I was so pleased to be cutting edge for once, that in order to protect my smart phone, I bought so many accessories that my phone is now absolutely bombproof. From a screen protector to a gel case to a leather case, the problem is, I keep on missing calls because I can’t access the thing. By the time I answer the phone, the person on the other end has hung up. I’ve also had many phone faux pas with the thing. I didn’t realise touch screens were very sensitive. On the first day I got it, I mistakenly given my mum 11 missed calls – its got a mind of its own that thing. My husband also realised I had called myself Saved in a text message to a long lost friend: ‘Hi, its saved here…’. She must think I’m inept!

So, whilst I’m not a fan of Harry Hill, I’m definitely having a Harry Hill moment …here it is, netbook v. smartphone …………….fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well actually, netbook wins hands down. Until smartphones develop a 10.1 inch screen, netbooks are here to stay (in my very humble and inexpert opinion that is ).

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