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The tablet market is far away from saturation with statistics released by firms like Gartner saying that the worldwide PC, tablet and mobile phone combined shipments will reach 2.4 billion units in 2013. Of that, worldwide tablet shipments are forecast to total 197 million units in 2013. And this is an amazing 69.8 percent increase from the shipments in 2012 at 116 million. Impressive stuff.

asus vivotab

This places solutions like the ASUS VivoTab squarely in the middle of a consumer maelstrom where devices are being snapped up like candy at a party.  This device is more than just a tablet though, it takes advantage of the fact that consumers are as varied and different as the needs they have, and it offers a hybrid solution that can be adapted to suit.

The VivoTab is a blend of tablet, ultrabook and laptop and comes with the freshly hatched Windows 8 as the operating system of choice. The touchscreen at 11.6 inches of glossy brilliance is perfect for taking advantage of the features built into Windows 8, and the camera is ace for capturing shots when you’ve converted to tablet mode and are out and about.

That’s the beauty of the VivoTab, really. You can shell it with the dock for portability and work functionality, making it ace for using at work and at home, or you can slip out the tablet to use on the move or watch movies in bed. Which is a perfectly acceptable use of cutting-edge technology if you ask me!

The VivoTab has a battery life that’s just brilliant. You get almost eight hours of solid use out of the tablet on its own and if you add the dock you get another seven to eight hours too. Nice. The tablet comes with a Wacom Stylus for easy note taking or tapping through apps or for design, if you are an artistic soul. The connectivity options include a MicroSD and the tablet is powerful enough to run programs like Photoshop without collapsing.

This is a very neat product that would suit someone who wanted to work on the move without having to haul a bulky laptop about with them as well. It’s neat, has a great battery life, good screen quality and seamless integration with Windows 8. Ideal for work, play and creativity on the go.

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