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Did I get your attention with that cryptic and yet rather tantalising heading? Well, the hot CES news on the street right this very minute is that ASUS is set to reveal a Google TV device and that they are one of a few leading tech companies given the go-ahead by the search engine giant.

ASUS Google TV

ASUS was mentioned in this very interesting blog post by Google on Friday which revealed that they will be among others showcasing products that work with Google TV. It will be very interesting to see what ASUS plans to unveil in this Google TV department as they are pretty much famous for finding clever and quirky design and functionality within a simple parameter.

And that parameter here is, of course, to deliver a device that will showcase the wonders of Google TV and use its features to best effect. The platform has recently undergone some changes – you can read all about these here – to give it a much needed boost in the market. Google TV has not been as successful as it potentially could be so it is going to be very interesting to see how this announcement, and these devices, transform the platform.

Will they revolutionise it and capture the attention of the users? I imagine that this will depend on how companies like ASUS integrate the platform and its features and how easy it is to use. I am also very jealous of those who get to spend their time live at CES this year as I think it is going to be a very exciting one. I’ll certainly keep you up to date on the latest happenings, trends and announcements as the week inches by.

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