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While Google chairman Eric Schmidt delivered his Mobile World Congress 2012 keynote address; his team at the Google stand was hard at work showing MWC delegates what the company was all about. These people work hard; with Schmidt revealing that they were now averaging 850,000 Android handset activations daily. They obviously play hard too, judging from the amount of fun we had at the Google stand.

No suits or ties here, with most of the folks manning the stations at the Google stand donning T-shirts and a wide grin. And why not? Considering what was going on all around them.

It was one big Google-powered carnival — visitors could head on up to the second floor to go down the Android slide at breakneck speeds; and a robot was making personalized mobile phone cases.

There were claw machines where we spent the best part of a half hour in line so we could grab an Android soft toy. The result – Close but no cigar.

Android-powered devices were running around on conveyor belts; and big names in the industry were showcasing their latest products. The good folks over at the ASUS pod showcased the ASUS PadFone, the Transformer Prime and Transformer Infinity.


The PadFone, of course, got all the attention, receiving the nod of approval from most, if not all, folks who stopped by. Even Batman and Batgirl agree.


But here comes the best part of the Google stand – the smoothie bar and ice cream sandwiches that were being given away. We kid you not; real vanilla and chocolate ice cream sandwiches. We would’ve have taken pictures of them, but ummm, we devoured them all before we could take a shot.

We can’t wait to see what they have in store for us next year.

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