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I am in the process of putting the ASUS Transformer TF300T through various tests and paces and I was going to start off with games. Not just random app games, but actual games. Then I started to play around with, ahem, Google Play and discovered that the Transformer positively shone in this role.

ASUS Transformer TF300T

If you have any kind of Android device or happen to be a staunch follower of the news, you probably already know that Google has re-launched Android Market as Google Play. It is not a complete overhaul of the site, but it is enough of one to make it substantially better to use. You will also note that the Android Market icon has been removed from your desktop and replaced with the new Google Play one in a universal update.

The premise is simple. You now have a portal for everything – books, movies, apps and music. Although music is only available in the US at the moment. What it DOES have that I find fantastic, is that lovely seamless interoperability with all my Android devices. Yesterday I downloaded a book from the site and started reading it on my Android phone. Sadly it ate the battery life, so while that was charging, I simply installed the Google Books app on my ASUS Transformer TF300T, and carried on reading where I left off.

ASUS Transformer TF300T

It isn’t all just “click and go” though. You do need to allow the programme access to your system and activate the feature that keeps it in sync in the cloud. It’s easy enough to do, though. What’s also great is the offline feature. You can set movies and books to download onto your device so you can watch them when without an internet connection – great for Wi-Fi only devices. It is limited to the size of your hard drive though, and movies can take up to an hour to download. So bear that in mind.

The Transformer TF300T works here so well because, without the keyboard dock, it is as comfortable as reading a book, easy to use as a movie screen, and the interface is stupidly easy to navigate. Also, unlike other systems, the back button really does come into its own as you surf Google Play looking for something to read or watch. It is worth noting that the movies on Google Play are only for rent, no buying here, but that feature may yet be on its way.

I also found that, unlike my Android phone, the Transformer TF300T didn’t suffer from as much battery drain while using the apps. This is a huge advantage, especially if you are commuting somewhere and want to read a book or watch a movie without losing your entire battery life.

In my next post I promise I will be delving into the ASUS Transformer TFT300T’s performance with games. Promise.

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