Computex 2011 was an impressive affair that garnered plenty of media coverage real estate across the internet. The lines buzzed as new and exciting products were revealed and geeks got excited by the prospect of what was to come.
ASUS did particularly well this year, I have to say. I know I am biased but you have to admit that the innovative ideas and concepts thrown out by ASUS this year were well worth the buzz and the excitement. So, as I do for every exciting event and launch, I have bravely ventured forth into the internet and pulled together some of the most informative articles for your enjoyment and delectation.
The Wall Street Journal was focused on tablets and how they were going to affect the PC industry. In the article Benson Lin, corporate vice president of ASUS’ personal mobile-devices unit was quoted as saying that “people aren’t going to buy tablets and replace their PCs.” The article went on to discuss the products ASUS launched at Computex and to examine the PC and tablet issue in more detail.
CNN International also rambled on about whether or not the iPad was going to be defeated by any one of the tablet’s launched and examined at Computex, and talked about the ASUS Padfone too. While everyone seems really stuck on the tech that’s going to “kill” the market leader, the fact is that there is so much out there that limiting yourself to one idea seems a bit, well, limiting.
PC World’s feature: The Top 14 Stories So Far at Taiwan’s Tech Show has ASUS taking the top three spots right from the start. The rest of the slideshow is mostly taken up with software and component technology from the likes of nVidia and Intel.
And if you fancy taking a look at what Bit-Tech predicted for the show and comparing it to what actually happened, then take a peek at this feature. Their thoughts on what ASUS would deliver in 2011 were not far wrong at all.
I’ll be keeping an eye out for some of the other excellent products that ASUS has revealed at Computex and see if I can nab the opportunity to even play around with them a bit, get on their insides and see what they can do.
Mrs Mario
Mrs.Mario is a freelance journalist who loves to write about anything and everything. She accidentally fell into the cauldron of technology about eight years ago and has been slowly simmering in there ever since. She’s a geek but still has tons to learn about the wonderful world of technology. She also suffers from a rare disease known as “need to game” that demands it’s sufferers play at least one videogame a week. So far, she’s been coping with her ailment admirably.