ASUS: So you think you’re so clever because you got me a job?

September 1st, 2010 in .Stewart Faulkes Summer Blog

Blog 3

I have noticed that my new computer was unable to predict better weather than I wanted. Indeed, it did little to act as an umbrella as I approached the school where I had my interview. Furthermore, it did nothing to prevent the deluge that hit Wednesday, despite it being a very important birthday when a tennis match was hoped for. However, perhaps my expectations of climatic control via this new device are too much to ask. So, anyway, despite its deficiencies as a cure-all it did help me get a job teaching A Level History and Politics this week.

I was terribly nervous going to the interview as I have not been to a real one in England for 7 years…I know, I know…I have been teaching for nearly 25 years and I have run departments and schools and this was only just a straightforward teaching post but still nerves are nerves. I was neurotically over-prepared and as usual the interviewers did not want to see even 5% of the stuff that my computer had located, produced and spat out. ASUS had worked overtime producing worksheets, powerpoints, web-quests, film clips, songs and soundbites and in the end it was not even asked to perform in person. Well, it helped get me the job and provided a resources crutch to lean on but it did not evaporate my nerves entirely.

So, this week its mission, which it has no choice but to accept, is to find me somewhere to live…preferably near Kentish Town! It seems to have done better with the weather as this Saturday morning is sunny if cold. Perhaps the historic tennis match, rained off on Wednesday, is now a possibility.

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