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You’re expecting me to say that the ASUS Padfone 2 makes me cry because it is so pretty and clever and full of tasty features. And you’d be wrong. Not entirely wrong, obviously, as I’ve been known to sob in appreciation over a gorgeous piece of kit from time to time. Once I even gave a tablet (the first Transformer, if you must know) a bit of a cuddle.

You will then assume that the reason I am crying over the ASUS Padfone 2 is because there is lots of speculation about when it will arrive in the UK and recent reports have suggested that it may be arriving here sooner than expected. Possibly even in time for Christmas, which would be very, very nice indeed. Sadly you would be wrong once again.

Yes, there is a measure of frivolous weeping within me at the idea of buying the Padfone 2 for my other half for Christmas. And then stealing it from him for the rest of the day “just to help him set it up”, however, that is not enough to make even one tear squeeze its way down my cheek.

ASUS Padfone 2

You may make a few guesses about specs, processor, connectivity and display, but all of those are wrong. No, the thing about the ASUS Padfone 2 that makes me cry real tears of happy, geeky joy is the fact that when you take the Fone part and slide it gently into the rear of the tablet, everything on the phone’s screen is instantly transferred to the tablet.

Isn’t that just brilliant? You may be sitting there and thinking that I am a few wires short of a full tablet, but think about it. A few years ago this technology was just a distant dream, something you saw in a movie, and now it is going to land on my desk complete with a superb onboard digital camera that shoots six shots per second, a speed that beats quite a few other models on the market, a powerful processor, an HD display and a phone.  That should be enough to make a grown geek cry.

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