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In my last post I started playing around with the different features included in ASUS’ Eee Cinema and promised you a deeper look at the Movies, Photos and Videos in the ASUS ET2410 All-in-One PC. I started with a nice little movie…

In went a sweet and charming Terminator 2. Popping the Blu-ray player out of the side of the ET2410 is a quick, but firm, press. You don’t need to go into Eee Cinema to watch either, the disc will play automatically and it takes about six seconds to get read, recognised and booted up.

At the bottom of the screen is an interaction menu with the usual Play, FFW, Pause etc buttons as well as an icon that takes you straight to the main menu (called Top Menu here) or to a specific chapter. It completely leaps over all the copyright rambling – a huge, enormous plus in my books.

ASUS aio et2410 all in one PC

Once you hit the main menu of the Blu-ray, the interaction menu fades away to give you touchscreen access to the movie controls. Picture quality is superb. The colours are bright and crisp, the sound (using the built-in speakers) is really decent. You aren’t going to get the whole surround sound cinema experience, obviously, but I have to say that the sound quality is better than my usual TV – crisp and sharp.

The screen is evenly lit with great contrast and the dark tones are well covered – you don’t get those unidentifiable patches of darkness that plague many screens. The ASUS ET2410INTS would make a more than suitable replacement for a TV if I am honest. It ticks all the boxes and looks fantastic.

The next thing I did was use my iTunes account to playback various TV shows that I’d bought for watching on my iPad. I didn’t expect much really, the shows are old and the quality already in question. What I got was a very bright and clear viewing experience that surpassed my expectations.

asus aio et2410 all in one pc

When it comes to watching movies, DVDs, videos and other such multimedia, the ASUS ET2410 All-in-One PC does exactly right.

The next step was to see how well the various features in the Photo feature measured up. I took the time to download photos from Facebook, my mobile phone, my Nikon D700 and a point and shoot. It gave me some variety and the chance to see how well the ET2410 worked with the poorer quality shots.

And all shall be revealed in my next post…

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