If you thought ASUS’s GeForce GTX 480 was an awesome card.. if you even thought ASUS ARES was an awesome card.. the upcoming MARS 2 might just take the crown.
Built with an unprecedented two Nvidia Fermi “GF100″ graphics processors and over 3GB of memory on a single PCB, it’s destined to be the fastest graphics card on the planet.
It’ll be a full 30cm in length and wider than any graphics card currently on the market, just to fit everything in. The MARS 2 even requires three PCI-Express 8-pin power connectors because those Nvidia Fermi graphics processors are hungry beasts – so make sure your PSU is up to it!
Finally, it’s also the only single Nvidia card that can potentially offer triple monitor Stereoscopic 3D as well – giving ASUS a unique edge against the competition that all require two.
Crucially no cooling hardware has been shown off just yet, but we expect ASUS engineers to be hard at work on it. Given that the ARES heatsink was a thing of beauty, we wholly expect the MARS 2 to continue the trend.
If you want more MARS 2, then stay tuned to Tech in Style and we’ll get you more info as soon as we have it!
Nick Holland
Nick Holland – Portability and PC gaming are essential to Nick’s life. He’s enjoyed the latter since a very young age – eschewing consoles for customizability of a PC (with the finest backbones like the Asus P3B-F and A7V133) and the feel of a keyboard and mouse. As soon as he could afford a notebook he got one and things have rolled on from there into sleek DTRs (desktop replacements) netbooks, smartphones and he’s already eyeing up the latest tablets while trying to think up an excuse to own one. After writing about all things tech for several years it is only natural he sought to join the already awesome TiS team.