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In its most recent industry-wide survey, the leading, independent computer retail company, Rescuecom has named ASUS netbooks and notebooks as the most reliable laptops with just 0.2% of calls received giving it a Rescuecom reliability factor of twice the nearest competitor.

Every quarter the support company issues a reliability survey from its own records, where customers have contacted them to require help with anything PC (or Mac) related. It covers all brands of laptops available to buy, so the pool of data is large enough to be a strong indicator of relative reliability.

In Rescuecom’s own words the scores reveal two things; “that a manufacturer puts together quality machines that don’t require computer repair” and “a manufacturer provides such exemplary tech support for their customers that they have no need to seek outside assistance”.

With every company claiming the quality and ease of use of their products to be the best it’s good to see the wheat separated from the chaff – and for a company that sits in the top 3 consumer notebook vendors worldwide, it’s an impressive achievement.

In editorial reviews it’s notoriously difficult to predict a long term survivor, so adding the two factors together can better give customers an understanding of what they are buying; and clearly ASUS has the formula right.

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