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Think I’m joking? Think again… You can get fit with your tablet and you can do it by sitting on your chair and surfing the internet. Well, only at first, after that you’re going to need to actually do some physical exercise. Fortunately, these great Android apps will make that exercise just that little bit more entertaining and give you the kind of feedback that your competitive spirit needs.

The first app is one of my personal favourites and one that I genuinely believe can take a sedentary person away from their sofa and get them addicted to fresh air and exercise. It is a game and a running app in one called Zombies, Run! and it will definitely get your heart pumping. With this app you become Runner 5 and you spend your excursions evading hordes of hungry zombies and learning more about what happened to cause the outbreak of the zombie virus.

The app is not cheap at nearly £6 and it is fully optimised for the Android device with only a few reported issues with tablets. The Android release is quite new so expect some hiccups and bugs, but also to be terrified into unexpected bursts of speed.

asus transformer infinity

Workout Trainer is a free app that has some excellent core exercises and guides for the beginner. If you are keen to get fit and burn fat without spending money at the gym, or gettting sweaty in front of other people, then this is a fairly decent place to start. Follow these step-by-step guides to get practised in the various poses and ways of handling exercises. To get the best workouts with great results and without injury, you must make sure your form is perfect and this app will help you on the way.

Next up is another app that I find I cannot live without. It is the lazy lady (and man’s) guide to watching nutrition and tracking exercise. If you want to get that stomach down or enter a race or get fit, then this free app – myfitnesspal – will help. You can track your food, calories, and routines to stay on top of what you burn and what you are eating.

Finally, I only have space for one more awesome app that will keep you motivated to exercise – Beer Gut Fitness. This app is more than just a calorie counter, although it does that very well, it is a funny one that tells you how many beers or glasses of wine you have earned with your last burst of burn. The app is entertaining and, because of that, tends to stop you from guzzling too many of those frosty friends on a hot summer’s day.

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