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Microsoft has just published a very in-depth blog post that talks up a storm about the collaboration between Microsoft and manufacturers such as ASUS, most specifically when it comes to their Windows RT.

The post reveals the partners who will be taking up the Windows RT mantle and delivering the systems that will take advantage of the ARM CPUs and Microsoft’s Windows RT that is to sit gently on top of it, and ASUS is, of course, one of the few headlining.

What’s really interesting is how the writer makes a point of focusing on the fact that Windows RT does not have to be constrained to the tablet, and that the companies mentioned will likely put ARM silicon into their machines – delivering both keyboard and touch screen interfaces in one.


Says Steven Sinofsky in his post, “We’re very excited about the designs PC manufacturing partners have built on the foundation of Windows 8 and Windows RT.” He goes on to talk about how these designs will push the envelope and deliver powerful computing alongside unique design. There will be the ultra thin, the hi-res display, the gorgeous design, the all-in-one, and the touch – and some will even boast all of the above.

If you’re unfamiliar with Windows RT and ARM, take a look at this Wikipedia entry as it clearly explains how the system works and why it is different from Windows 8. You can also go here to find out more about ARM without feeling like you’ve somehow missed a boat somewhere.

ASUS Tablet 600

Now, back to the Microsoft blog post… Steven summarises much of what Windows RT means and contains in a few key pointers that include the facts that: Windows RT shares significant code with Windows 8, it’s a completely new ecosystem of PCS that are thin and light and designed specifically for Windows RT, and that PC makers will deliver integrated products that include hardware, firmware and Windows RT.

The ASUS Tablet 600 was announced at Computex 2012 and yours truly was quick to drool over its potential and my fingers are itching to try it out. It would be really good to be one of the first people to get their hands on an Windows RT device and see how it works.

What are your thoughts? Windows RT for the win, or are you not sure?

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