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By Becky at Baby Budgeting

The ASUS Eee Pad Transformer: Best Features So Far

I have had my Eee Pad for 2 weeks now and I am using it more and more. Let me tell you what I  have used so far and what I really like about it and it’s top features from my perspective.


The glass is ultra tough and scratch proof. When you’re a busy mum with  lively kids you can’t be having fragile precious possessions, they need to be robust. I told the kids this is  called Gorilla glass and they are slighlty nervous of it now. Not a bad thing!


Okay well  in less than techinical terms it has great sound quality. Me and the kids have been watching some funny and some Jungle book you tube clips clips and the sound is crystal clear, Brilliant.


I love that I have a full keyboard either on screen or in familiar physical reality as provided by the docking station. When I have a lot to type, long emails or many blog posts to put up, I really like having the docking keyboard. But how nice it is to slip the Eee Pad in my bag and head off out knowing I can write a quick post, reply easily to emails, tweet, facebook  etc. I love it!

I didn’t realise it contained the Polaris office suite till I opened an attachment and there it was; very easy to use and so useful. Polaris enables you to edit various types of office documents including documents (.doc), spreadsheets (.xls) and presentation (.ppt) files


It is super fast which is great. My netbook in comparison takes ages to get going but this is really speedy and convenient.

Easy to handle

It has a textured back for easy grip and weighs just 680g so light and easy to hold. Fabulous to slip in your bag.

The ASUS Launcher

I call it my desktop but more accurately the Asus Launcher is your platform onto the web and to launch software. You can of course add to this but it gives you  a great start.

Heres what you  get:

Music  – so you can listen to online radio or your music wherever you are

Mynet – so you can stream a video from your transformer to a HDTV for example ( I must try this!!) I also haven’t yet tried this: Asus sync where you can sync your calender between you Eee Pad and PC. Sounds great though!

Mylibrary – so you can build up your collection of downloaded books and magazines and store them together. This is fab, I may never use my seperate kindle again as when I registered kindle appeard on my Eee Pad with all my books and everything from my actual kindle. Spooky!.

Mycloud  The MyCloud*3 application is a total cloud solution, providing access to digital content such as music, videos and files from the cloud anywhere, anytime. Now bear with me as I had no clue what this meant but with a little help from my IT savvy hubby I think I have it!

It means I can access all my pictures and documents whilst I am on the Eee Pad  being able to get them wherever I like rather than them actually being static on one computer, because they wil lhave been stored in my ‘cloud’ (Phew, I need a lie down now)  But actually isn’t that great!  I want to be able to have write an article on my PC and finsih it when I am out and about perhaps in a cafe with my Eee Pad. I want to be able to show friends pictures originally saved on the PC just be sliding the Eee pad out my bag.

I have always felt my netbook (apart form email) was quite a sepereate entity to my PC. The Eee Pad feels like it is a mini me of my PC and I love the sharing that goes on! I am really enjoying it.

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