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There is something to be said for the idea of taking your expertise and merging it with somebody else’s expertise to create something entirely unexpected. More and more companies are doing this, you can see quite a few interesting partnerships in 2010 alone, but ASUS have been sharing the love for a long time now.

One of the designs that first got me interested in ASUS products was the blend of ASUS technology with Lamborghini style and speed. It resulted in a sexy laptop range that has continued to grow over the years. What amazes me, other than the fact that these laptops are just pretty, pretty, pretty, is how ASUS came up with the idea!

I had visions of the ASUS dream team sitting about watching the Formula One and then someone saying, “Hmm, don’t you think that would look fabulous on a laptop?” Well, lucky for me (and you) I have asked these questions of the team and will soon find out exactly what they did to come up with the idea.

The first Lamborghini laptops were the vivid yellow and black numbers that had most of the technology community slobbering onto their keyboards. They really did look fabulous and I bet there were plenty of folk who went out and snatched one up as soon as they could.

The latest model is the ASUS-LAMBORGHINI Eee PC. I am NOT kidding. How awesome is that? Here you have the style of the racing car blended with the magic of the ASUS netbook. These chaps have the Nvidia ION graphics, dual-core Intel Atom D525 processors, the delicious Bang & Olufsen ICEPower sound (which I have raved about loads already). And super fast USB 3.0.

It’s a stroke of genius. Ultimate portability with ultimate speed (for this level of portability). These also look utterly fantastic. I’ve been on the prowl for a new netbook for a while now (I’m very fussy) and am seriously considering one of these. And it comes in black and white for those of you who were slightly nervous of the original yellow.

What do you think? You like this idea of blending talents to create unique technologies? Let me know which design has you curious about how it came about and I’ll go and interview the relevant designers. I’ll be tackling Bang & Olufsen and Karim Rashid over the next few weeks.

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