ASUS Padfone causes a stir – news roundup

Mrs Mario
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The ASUS Padfone is, quite honestly, a genius idea. I have to confess to chortling when I saw the first concept art and images. I mean, how clever is this! The Padfone is one of those ideas that’s almost obvious in its simplicity and yet there are very few variations on the market.

While many media have asked questions about things like the power of the tablet, the cost of the tablet, the app translation (from phone to tablet), it is highly likely that ASUS has long since thought of these and handled them already. Still, the media are in a flurry and I’ve ambled out to get a roundup of all the coverage that the Padfone has had to date.

Techland asks you to “reeeeally think about” the idea that tablets are already little more than giant smartphones so why not build a large screen dock for a smartphone? 

The Independent headline with “Innovative ASUS at Computex with smartphone-consuming tablet, ultraportables” which is just a lovely use of words and they go into more detail on the Padfone and the fact that it is a “symbiotic gadget that allows customers to choose the screen size that best fits their activities”.

ITPRO are pretty excited by the Padfone saying that the “Taiwanese computer giant surprises everyone with its striking smartphone-tablet combo…” and they speculated that the Padfone would likely come equipped with Android Ice Cream Sandwich.

Cnet’s headline – ASUS Padfone Android smart phone plugs into 10-inch tablet – says it all, really, and go on to list some of the definitive advantages of such a system. They say that one of these advantages is that the “Padfone only requires one plan” when referring to connecting via 3G.

padfoneThe wonderful did not appreciate the name or the videos, but they think it is a “smart idea”.  My favourite quote just has to be this one: “Asus has a habit of taking two devices and rubbing them up against each other like Barbie and Ken.”

The Padfone was even mentioned in the Financial Times in an article talking about how “PC makers step up efforts to combat iPad”. The article looks at the success of the Eee Pad Transformer, the launch of the Padfone, and the incredibly cost-effective ultra-portable at $199.

Finally, the BBC felt that one of the highlights of the show was the Padfone from ASUS, alongside their UX21 and the Eee Pad MeMO 3D.

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  • Vishal

    Yeah its a genius idea.