The Most Effective TO-DO List

October 18th, 2011 in .Family Tech .News & Events
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No matter whether you’re a college student, professional, or business owner, getting organized with your assignments is essential for increasing productivity. What better method to acheive it than with a TO-DO list?

One of the difficulties that I have experienced, just a year or so ago, was finding a TO-DO list program that is compatible across my numerous gadgets. I use Windows at the office, Windows/Mac at home, and Android/iOS on the move. There was just no refined solution to synchronize a simple TO-DO list across all of these platforms.

Enter Wunderlist.

This is a cross-platform TO-DO list which is compatible with:

- Mac OSX
- Windows
- iPad/iPhone/iPod
- Android
- Linux

You can effortlessly synchronize your checklist across all these gadgets. Best part? It’s FREE. Costs you nothing.

I’ve used Wunderlist in the past ten months or so, and have been amazed by the stylish user interface and also the convenience.

Take a look yourself!

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    • Vishal

      Nice :)