ASUS CEO: Eee Pad’s are due soon

August 14th, 2010 in .News & Events
Nick Holland
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In a recent interview, ASUS CEO, Jerry Shen, stated on the record that ASUS Eee Pad’s are due to arrive in December, starting with the EP121 – the full 12inch aluminium model with detachable docking station-slash-keyboard, Intel CULV CPU and Windows 7. He even commented it will cost a cool $1,000.

This will be followed next year by Android/ARM Eee Pads which will follow in March. The Android versions will aim to undercut Apple’s current iPad that starts at $499, aiming to retail at just $399 instead. Given Android 3.0 is due in December, we can expect this ‘Pad to use it, however we’re short in actual hardware details yet – not even a screen size was given.

ASUS claims to currently have a team of over 800 software engineers working on Android OS development – although Mr. Shen identified that recent movements had shifted only some of these to its upcoming tablet products, away from its already popular (well, in Asia predominantly) smartphone business.

ASUS Eee ad EP101TC

ASUS Eee ad EP101TC

Finally, shortly after the 12inch launch, in January 2011 we should see the slightly smaller 10 inch ARM driven model ship with the latest Windows Embedded Compact 7 software and retail between the $399-$499 price point. We know this to be the Eee Pad 101TC and it comes without the docking station the EP121 features but it still has the same gentle and understated aluminium design.

No further details were given in the interview with PCWorld although Mr. Shen pointed out that to compete with the iPad, ASUS was doing more than just ‘being cheaper’ – it was adding features and interoperable functionality outside the Mac-verse, which many are still waiting on.

What’s missing from the line-up is any Intel option: No MeeGo or next-Generation Atom commitment. We have seen no comment on Intel’s line-up yet, but given ASUS’ previous strong relationship with Intel in its motherboards, we’d have to make an educated guess that the company is at least considering it. However, given Intel’s track record in the ultra-mobile space is still in the starting blocks it’s understandable that it is likely waiting to see how it turns out and ASUS isn’t the only company avoiding the issue to date.

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