Five great reasons to choose a tablet

January 28th, 2011 in .Blogs .Gadgets .Pads and Slates .Products
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ASUS Eee Pad EP102
ASUS Eee Pad EP102 slides up to reveal the keyboard

I’ve spoken about the different tablets that ASUS are about to delicately place upon the market over 2011, but I’ve not tackled the subject as to why you would need one of these delightful creatures. The thing is, a tablet is something that can be incredibly useful and these are the reasons why…

1. Portability

Yes, the most obvious reason for the tablet to become a part of your life is its incredibly lightweight structure, size and portability. Most tablets – especially the Eee Slider and the Memo – will fit perfectly into a handbag, satchel or briefcase and the added weight is barely noticeable. Combined with the other advantages outlined below, this is a powerful reason for buying one.

2. Connectivity              

With 3G and wireless you are looking at 24×7 connectivity. If you happen to travel a lot, either on business or holiday, then this is an utterly brilliant feature. Especially for busy parents – this connectivity, coupled with the bigger screen and keyboard, means that even enforced half-term home days are productive.

3. Screen size

Sure, you can use your smartphone to do pretty much everything you can do on a pad, but the screen size is a limitation. Using a screen that sits at 7 or 10 inches gives you far more control, and is just that much easier to read and enjoy.  Manipulating pages, reading emails, video calls, and social media management are all far easier. And playing that guilty game of Angry Birds is far, far superior on a bigger screen.

4. Keyboard

Whether you choose to go with the Transformer and its full sized included keyboard, or the EP121, with the optional Bluetooth keyboard, you get a keyboard control that is both easy and lightweight. It’s all the functionality of a laptop without the weight and cumbersome frame. And if you decide to choose a pad without a keyboard, then the larger screen makes typing so much easier and more efficient. You’ll also make fewer mistakes – I know I have.

5. It’s relevant

This is probably the most important reason of all. You take all the combined factors mentioned above, plus the power, the battery life and other such clever features, and you’ve got a device that’s relevant everywhere. Whether you’re on the plane, the train, the bus, the car or just sitting in the lounge – you can access information, respond to situations, and have fun. There are no limitations on place or how you use it. And the growing apps and games for the Android-based devices make it an never-ending adventure.

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