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A few days ago I talked about how Tom’s Hardware were planning an ASUS Ask Me Anything (AMA) on Wednesday 26 June. The event was, according to the site, a huge success so I thought it would be a great idea to take a look at the types of questions that were asked and some of the sterling responses made by the ASUS team.

The spokespeople from ASUS were Erik Joiner, Rajinder Gill, Juan Jose Guerrero and Nick Misjuskovic and they managed to give some wonderfully in-depth replies to the people who participated in the event. You can see the impressive thread here, but I’ve started with some of the highlights from their digest as a warm up.


One question that sits at the top of many minds is the estimated arrival date of the Thunderbolt card. It turns out that this is currently with Intel’s validation labs and once they have done their tests, the card will be ready for sale. Interesting!

My personal favourite, which I am aware isn’t exactly super geeky, is the correct pronunciation of the company’s name. Let me quote one of the ASUS reps directly on this one as he puts it so well.

The correct pronunciation of ASUS is ey-soos. Basically a long A and the last part is like Dr. Seuss.

So, the Motherboard in a Hat, eh?

That was about it for the digest really, I wasn’t completely smitten with it so I dove into the main thread. It took quite a bit of reading, and I was amused by some of the requisite geek paranoia, but here are some of my favourites.

The question asked was: What goes into creating an Android OS update for your tablets and how is it decided what device gets updated and what doesn’t?

The answer was fantastic and went into a lot of depth about this particular issue. I must say I had no idea. The process is extensive as there are multiple aspects that impact usability and the overall experience – battery life, app compatibility, touch response and so forth. They re-validate performance metrics to ensure custom developed apps work properly and because ASUS try to avoid heavily loading extensive customer apps they can offer more consistent and frequent updates. Other factors they have to consider during this process include hardware requirements and making sure that performance in the devices stays optimal.

Then someone asked why the colours on the motherboards were changed and the answer? To offer something visually different and to reinforce the view that ASUS are offering a premium quality product to their users.

I recommend taking a read of this AMA when you get a moment, especially if you enjoy ASUS products and want to know more about the company.

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