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I am a gaming nut. This doesn’t mean I have the best rig or that I spend hours overclocking or that I know my way around every inch of gaming hardware in existence. I wouldn’t say that the opposite is true, it’s not, but I am one of those people who gets very excited about a rig, gets it, drools over other rigs, but stays loyal until mine falls apart.

ROG 8890

Then I saw the RoG CG8890. Dude. Have you seen this thing? It’s like having one of the monsters/machines/aliens/weirdos from one of the games I love sit right next to me on the floor in my gaming studio (yes, I have one) and bristle at me. The sides open, there is a red glow, it oozes evil cool. I want this more than I want any piece of kit right now.

You get Windows 8 but you can always dump this for 7 if you prefer. I would probably do that, but then I tend to be quite picky about my OS and have formed a relationship with 7 that I’ve not quite developed yet with 8. The processor is the Intel Core i7-3960X with one-click overclocking and Turbo Gear without rebooting. You get the four-screen display, Xonar audio and, get this, 10-way venting with a liquid cooled CPU for stability under pressure.

And you can most definitely put a lot of pressure onto this baby thanks to these features. There is so much here to enjoy that you could adore and stroke a feature a day and still be going after a month. Other really notable doodads and giffgaffs include the latest Nvidia GeForce GTX690 graphics card and the really cool RoG keyboard that has been designed to completely work with the needs of the gamer.

ASUS RoG 8890

There are plenty of other lovely bits and pieces as well, but before I wander off to drool over the specs some more, I think it is worth mentioning the design. You see, you could have all these features in a bland and boring rig that does nothing aesthetically, but ASUS have chosen to make the RoG CG8890 into a thing of beauty. Look at the intricate design, polygonal cuts, lighting effects and more. It’s awesome and I want one.

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